Fruity Meat

Savour the flavours, enjoy BBQ safely:

We all know that sizzling BBQ meats taste amazing, but concerns about health linger. The culprit? Carcinogens formed when fat drips onto flames. But before you sigh and resign yourself to blander fare, here's a delicious solution: marinade your meat!

Fruit marinades, like those using kiwi, papaya, or mango, do double duty. They not only infuse your meat with juicy flavours, but also provide protection against those harmful chemicals. Bonus: these fruits are natural tenderisers, ensuring melt-in-your-mouth texture.

In my chef days, we marinated squid in kiwi for perfectly tender results. You won't even taste the fruit, just the enhanced BBQ goodness. Give it a try!


Convenience at a cost


in a sea of quokkas be a duck