in a sea of quokkas be a duck

Quack quack.

I get asked frequently which of my range is sugar free. I point out the 50% of condiments that don’t contain any added sugar.

Dr Chris Van Tulleken suggests that sugar isn’t the baddy it is made out to be. Remember when we were told eat less fat, 10-15 years later it’s cut out the sugar, but as a society we are still gaining weight and our health is declining. We replaced these more natural foods with substances that originated from laboratories. Dr Chris hypothesises it’s the “not food” foods that make up most of our shopping each week. They have a name, ultra processed foods (UPF) and by reading labels easily identified by numbers and chemical sounding names.

Small Batch Gourmet makes this promise to you that my products will never use any nasty in it’s products or turn them into UPFs. I search for the cleanest ingredients I can find so I can give you a condiment that can only enhance your health not harm it.


Fruity Meat


Chilli as medicine